Godsbane Wikia


The Godsbane wiki is a an archive dedicated to the documentation and sharing of the rich characters, stories, and lore from the exotic world of Godsbane. It's a world of divinity, worship, sacrifice, and turmoil. So jump right in, click the lore tab (or maybe get adventurous with the random page tab), and immerse yourself before the hellwinds have a chance to sweep you away.

What is Godsbane?

Godsbane is a project I'm working on in my free time between the various jobs and responsibilities I attend to in my day to day life. The loose goal of the world of Godsbane is to eventually put ideas to paper and publish a novel series somewhere down the road. This is an extremely ambitious goal and one that probably won't come about for at least a few years. Between now and then, I also plan to launch a website proper, complete with a regular video series/podcast where we talk about the world building process, sources of inspiration, lore and more. As I'm currently bogged down with work and trying to move to another country, I am quite busy and the wiki will likely be updated in sporadically, with new lore and writings being added in small bursts every few months or so. But once the chaos dies down and I can dedicate more time to it, the wiki will be updated regularly and consistently. Until then, this is the place you can come for any and all lore from the world of Godsbane, a low-fantasy Renaissance Era-esque world of magic, muskets, steam, blades, canons, and blood.

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